This is me, Sean Jeffries; the owner and operator of
Wingshooters.net. I've been hunting since the early 1980s, when my
parents gave me my first shotgun. Growing up, I had woods across the
road, a farm at the end of the street, and a friend with a small amount of
acreage just a mile or so away. In my hunting journals, you'll read about
every single day that I've spent afield since 2000. |
Ted Leonhardt and I have been hunting together since we met
in 1990. In that year, I went to work as a temporary mail room clerk
under Ted's supervision for Winn Dixie grocery stores. Ted and I
started talking about hunting on my first day on the job, and I quickly
offered to take him with me to my grandfather's cabin on North Carolina's
Badin Lake. From there we would go deer hunting in the surrounding
Uwharrie game lands. Although I've long since left Winn Dixie and the
cabin has been sold, we've hunted together ever since. |
Arnold Kirk has been a friend for many years. He and
my father worked together when I was young, and in 1991 he let me deer hunt
on some property that he had recently bought. I killed my first deer
because of him, and for many years he let us use his backyard workshop as a
base camp for our hunting operations when we were hunting on land that
adjoined his. |
Pete Tschantz and I met in early 2006. I was using
internet message forums to do some research on African safaris, and one day
I got a note from a fellow who had read one of the messages I had posted
about my hunt. Turns out he lives in the same small town that I live
in and love, was about my age, and, like me, was a computer programmer.
Before long we met in person, and a new friendship began. |
Jimmy White is the hardest working member of the Trophy Bucks
hunting club. I first met Jimmy in 2005, in the first full year
of that club's existence. Jimmy is a former dirt
track racer, a master brick mason, and a heck of a carpenter.
He is one of the best hunters in the club, never failing to
bring home a first class buck each season.
I can visit the lease in the summer off season or during the
heart of deer season and be confident that I'll run into Jimmy
doing some work somewhere on the property. |
Matt White is Jimmy's son, and is another one of the best
hunters in our club. Matt will get in the deep woods to go
after the deer, and usually ends up with a good buck each
season. He's taken a nine pointer, a ten pointer, and even
a 12 point buck over the years that I've known him. Matt
works hard alongside his father, building stands and plowing
fields for the benefit of the hunt club members. |
This is Doug Beaver. Doug lives just down the road
from Arnold's old property, and took over the presidency of the Briarpatch Hunt Club after
Arnold vacated the seat. Our sign-up map for hunting locations was at
Doug's house, which made this our first stop every morning when we were ready
to hit the woods.
Since the dissolution of the Briarpatch club, I don't see Doug
much any more, but I do try to stop by his house at least once
every hunting season to say hello and check in on him and his
family. |